Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week Six.
Review resolutions up to this point.

Today’s resolution. I will seek to devote the best of myself, my time, and my talents to the primary roles the Lord has entrusted to me in this phase of my life.

Boxes. . ,. We have different roles (boxes) that we have to prioritize correctly. Whether it be a role in the home, a role at the office, a role in the church, etc. we have to let the Lord guide us as to what priority each role should take at which time, and how much time to delegate to that role. Balancing our duties does not mean that we spend the same amount of time on each one, but rather that we give the most important ones the priority.
Each one, name one role that you currently have. Discuss how much time that role involves in your daily life. Each role has different requirements, and requires different amounts of time to fulfill.
“The way we achieve balance is to consider prayerfully God’s priorities for us in this current season of life, and then rearrange the boxes accordingly. . . “
“Balance is not when the boxes are equally filled, but when we are free to fill only those that are important for now, without feeling guilt over the ones that we’ve left for another time and place. This is balance.”

Timing is Everything . . .
Get clarity on your “Primary roles”. If you give your best, but expend that energy on the wrong thing, has it done you any good? Or have you just stolen time from the priority that God intended for you? Example: cutting bushes, and hauling them off. . . anything wrong with that? What if it is done in the place of writing a paper that is due the following day. You may be doing what is right, but at the wrong time.
Restructuring priorities can often be a painful process. It may be that now is not the correct time to give that box highest priority.

Am I giving the right box the right priority? Do I need to re-prioritize?
Give yourself permission to say no.
Being your best at what God wants you to be doing--- that’s the thing to shoot for. Are you on God’s time table for getting things done? There may not be anything wrong with the things on your to-do list, but not getting the priority jobs completed, may be wrong.

Anything, Everything and Whatever.
I Corinthians 10:31 – Whether ye eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Are you harder on yourself than anyone else? Are you exhausted at the end of the day because you don’t feel that you accomplished enough?
Are you driven to be a perfectionist? Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Is this even possible??? Perfect means complete. Whole. God’s strength plus my weakness equals completeness.  Going back to priorities. What roles/tasks are most important?
Cleaning windows might not be the highest priority when the cupboards and refrigerator are empty.
When you choose to do everything, you can’t do anything well. But when honoring God is your focus, it pares down your purpose and narrows your focus. Colossians 3:17-And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.
“When we consecrate and commit our gifts to Him in this current phase of life, we’ll see that He will empower us to use them in a way that will yield honor and glory to Himself.”
Paul starts with the simplest of things: eating and drinking. Something that must be done everyday of our lives. Not really something difficult. God has specific tasks for you to fulfill each day. Don’t put off until tomorrow that God has called you to do today. Don’t do today the things that He will need you to do later. Start with the small things, and build on that foundation. Bring your best. Now.
Life can be short, and we are never guaranteed tomorrow. Live each day to the fullest, but plan as though you were going to live forever.
Bring your best. Now.
Don’t wait for the next season in your life. Do it now. Enjoy this season with everything that you have. Get your priorities in order.
You are responsible and will be held accountable for your actions and reactions. It is between you and God. Get His perspective on your priorities and then go full steam ahead, bringing your best to whatever He has asked you to do. Don’t get side-tracked by other “things” that may come along. Keep those priorities straight.

It Only Works When I Breathe…
Taking care of yourself. Taking time out for you, to keep you alive and healthy.
Exercise? Eating right? Time with other ladies? Taking time to go outside and breath the fresh air? Whatever is a necessity to keep you sane. You will never be able to give your best, unless you are taking time for you.
Keep yourself aware of God’s presence in the busyness of everyday life. Team up with other ladies to take a walk, or give another mother an hour to go get her groceries without having to take her children. What is YOUR necessity to keep you “breathing”?

God needs us to have our priorities right. Have you taken a look at yours through Christ’s eyes? Are your focuses where they should be? Are you spreading yourself too thin?
What will you do to change this? What in your life needs a higher priority? Is there a box that needs to be pushed to the back for awhile?
God will give you the strength to do what is necessary. Take the right action.
Bring your best. Now.

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